Your Career: To EARN more LEARN more


You want to get ahead in your career? You want to be more successful in life, love and livelihood? My advice today is to learn more. To earn more, you must learn more. Sure, there’s a time when you must take action – that goes (almost) without saying. But even taking action forces you to…

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Get Smarter without Studying At All!

Boost IQ

Want to boost your intelligence – and do it all without even opening a book, studying or trying a sudoku puzzle? Then read on. I’ve long been saying this – and firmly believing it too – that “a healthy body = a healthy mind”. Now, science and research is catching up and saying the same…

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The Key to Happiness in Life and at Work

Life all about

Another bold title, but it’s true. I’m going to share with you a powerful phrase that you’ll do well to remember. Why? Because it will literally change how you do things, make you happier and realise that what you do is enough. But first off, let me explain why I’m sharing this now. A few…

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How to Deal with Problems

How to Deal with Problems

We all have problems – don’t we? And yet most of us in my experience want to get away from, solve or have a few problems as possible. Me too, to be honest. But, as you’ll discover, not only are problems a sign of life, they are the route to strength. I want to give…

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Decision. It’s a scary word. Making a decision in today’s world. So today I wanted to share with you some advice on how to make decisions. Specifically tough decisions. Many of my clients, friends and family struggle to make decisions. I see it all the time. And I’m also somewhat guilty of it too. Afraid…

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How to Prioritise Effectively and the Myth of Time Management

Time Management2

Time management doesn’t exist!  All books and courses about time management are a waste of time (pardon the pun) and money. Why? Because you can’t actually manage time! Time flows regardless. It’s a wild beast that can’t be tamed, managed or reasoned with. It ebs, it flows and it goes…. on. Regardless. What we can…

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Teamwork makes the Dreamwork


Cheesy right? But right all the same. In order to get stuff done of any significance and scale, more than just you will involved. But how to get disparate team members to work together? Here’s a simple team hack for you to get your team to bond together quickly. Get them do act as a…

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Why Quitting Is Good

quit 2

Often achievers like to set out and complete their outcomes. If you’re reading this, likely you are an achiever on some level. That’s why you invest time into reading and learning new things. But… Sometimes quitting can be good. There is only a limited amount of time in the day. Well, 24hrs to be more…

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How Much Water Should I Drink a Day?

Water and Energy

How Much Water Should I Drink a Day? I see it so often. Both in my clients and in friends and family. The problem and also the oh so simple solution. And yet they don’t accept it. Or don’t act on it. What’s the problem? A lack of energy, or focus or something along those…

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Unschedule Your Life and Work

Overworked Unschedule

Have you heard the term “unschedule” before. I hadn’t until about 6 months ago, but I realised that I had been doing it for a long time without knowing the term. I’ll explain what it is. It is whereby you put into your calendar all the things you say are important but never go in…

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