6 Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down

I’ve read hundreds of books. Over 400 in the last ten years alone. Many are great. Some no-so-great. But from memory, I can only think of six books that I’ve read that I would say are “unputdownable”. In other words, I would rather read them, then do anything else. More than watch TV or a…
Which Guided Meditations I Use

I’m often asked about which meditations I use, or why type of meditation I use. There are hundreds, if not tens of thousands and more types of meditation and guided meditations. So which to choose. Well, let’s keep it simple to begin with. I won’t go into what meditation is, or whether there’s a right…
CORONAVIRUS: Ten Ways to Utilise Your Time During Self-Isolation and Working From Home

The coronavirus is certainly creating an uncertain time for many of us. From governments and politicians, to health workers and individuals. The government have asked for people where possible to stay away from clubs, cafes, bars, theatres etc and work from home if possible. So, how can you best use this time, and make sure…
CORONAVIRUS – Simple Practical Steps, we as individuals can take

So, people are asking me about my opinion on the CORONAVIRUS. I guess because I’m all about health, wellbeing and energy. Well, I’m not a virologist, biologist or otherwise oligist to speak with any authority on the virus. However, I would CONTROL WHAT I CAN CONTROL. What does that mean? From my understanding, as with…
Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity

How do you stay calm when things in life hit you? You get cut up in traffic? Someone doesn’t respond to you email or message promptly enough? Whatever it may be? Here’s the thing. What does it mean if you send a message and someone doesn’t respond within a day or two? And you’ve seen…
How to Manage Stress Effectively

There are plenty of stress management strategies out there. Exercise, talking, action, meditation, yoga, nature. Tons more. However, there’s one thing that gets me viewing situations in perspective. A phrase that is part of my mantra for living. Before I share with you the phrase, I want to stress the importance of it. I know…
Facial Routine for Youth and Removing Wrinkles?

I’m often asked about my facial routine. Truth be told, until about 5 years ago I didn’t have one. I didn’t use lotion or creams or anything. I would just have a shower and that’s about it. Even now, I do very little. I don’t like using much man-made things on my body, hair or…
Gadgets & Items for Improving Wellbeing

I own lots of weird and wonderful gadgets and items that I use in one way or another to improve my health and wellbeing. I have several ‘Weird Sh!t I Own’ videos already on YouTube, but I wanted to put everything in a list here for you. It has taken me about ten years to…
Why You NEED Stress to Thrive!

Stress is needed to thrive. Yes, you heard me correct. Stress is needed. And I’m not talking about this idea that there are good and bad stresses. Yes, there are, of course. But it’s more uniform than that. What I mean is that in order for us to fully grown we need stress. I take…
Cryotherapy – What is it and Why

Cryotherapy for health purposes. What is cryotherapy and is it worth it? Well, cryotherapy could mean many different things. Effectively it’s any kind of cold therapy. That could be cold showers, cold baths, ice packs, walking in the snow, standing in a big freezer. Cryo just means cold – taken from the Greek word cryos…