5 Ways to Be More Attractive

How to be more attractive in life? We are all born with what we are born with but did you know that you have a large level of control over how attractive you seem. We might not (without surgery) be able to change our features, but in addition to things like hairstyle, clothing, weight management,…
Decisions Making: How to Make Decisions – Full Simple Process

Decision making 101. How to make decisions effectively and effortlessly. I actually filmed a video on this in March 2014, but I don’t think I ever wrote a blog on it. Decision Making Many people really suffer from making decisions. We’re so scared of making the wrong one. We’re so used to others making them…
How to Give Great Presentations, Talks and Speeches: 3 Essential Ingredients

Over the last 6 years I have both witnessed many talks, presentations and speeches and given a fair few myself. Not to mention the countless amounts of business, work or university presentations I’ve witnessed or given in the last 20 years. And I have to say, a lot of people do a really bad job…