Book of the Month – April – Working Well: What You Need to Know to Live a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life

This month’s book of the month is actually my latest wellbeing book – Working Well: What You Need to Know to Live a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life. I’ve written this with a co-author, Andrew Sharman, who is a world leader when it comes to leadership in the health & safety sector with clients ranging from…
How We Learn and Master Any Skill

Learning a new skill and then mastering it. It’s something we’ve been doing since we were born. Whether that is walking, talking, tying our shoelaces or driving. To get ahead in life we need to learn and master a variety of skills. When it comes to learning, it’s really all about going through the four…
Why You Won’t Succeed

OK – maybe that’s a little strong. But I had to grab your attention, right? What I mean is this. If you rely on this one thing to be successful, you most likely won’t succeed long term. What is the one thing that I am talking about? To be successful? Willpower Successful People think that…
Decisions Making: How to Make Decisions – Full Simple Process

Decision making 101. How to make decisions effectively and effortlessly. I actually filmed a video on this in March 2014, but I don’t think I ever wrote a blog on it. Decision Making Many people really suffer from making decisions. We’re so scared of making the wrong one. We’re so used to others making them…
6 Health Reasons Why Meditation Can Save Your Life!

Meditation is becoming a bit more in vogue these days. Although for the wise, it’s been in vogue for thousands of years. There are many types of meditation, from Mantra meditation, Loving Kindness, Transcendental, Vipassana and on and on. All have their uses, but here I am going to talk about meditation in general and…
How to Give Great Presentations, Talks and Speeches: 3 Essential Ingredients

Over the last 6 years I have both witnessed many talks, presentations and speeches and given a fair few myself. Not to mention the countless amounts of business, work or university presentations I’ve witnessed or given in the last 20 years. And I have to say, a lot of people do a really bad job…
A Dirty Little Secret of Time Management

We all (unless you are not from this planet) have at one stage or another wished be had more time. People are always too busy with not enough time. Me included. We’re always looking for things to help us manage our time better and get on top of things. But here’s a dirty little of…
The Most Important Blog Post You Will Ever Read? – The Four Keys to Superhuman Living

I can’t believe I’ve not written a blog post about this yet! I am in the midst of writing my second book, which will be about this very topic and idea. (If you’re interested, then my first book – The Thought Gym – is available here) Over the last decade I have progressively taken a…
Success in 3 Simple Steps – Easy as ABC

I’ve noticed a pattern when it comes to being successful at just about anything. And what I’ve noticed is that success can be broken down into three steps. I’ve found that all success I’ve come across follows this pattern broadly speaking. And I call it the ABC to Success A – Awareness If you want…
Simple Hack to Sleep Better

Sleep! The majority of the people I speak to have issues with their sleep. Can’t get to sleep. Don’t sleep enough. Bad quality sleep. Getting up in the middle of the night. Racing mind when going to sleep. Waking up tied. The list goes on and on. And while the issue of sleep is a…