Orange is the New Black – Sitting is the New Smoking

So they say. Sitting is the new smoking. What that’s supposed to convey is that sitting is not good for your health. And it’s true. But it’s not the whole truth. We work longer and harder than ever. We also lounge around long and hard and sit down and surf long and hard too. We…

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Why You’re Wasting Your Time with Willpower


A strong statement. But true. When I tell people about some of my rituals – for staying in shape, keeping up to speed with my knowledge, eating well, making daily veg juices and smoothies etc, i often get responses like: “I wish I had that much willpower!” Or something along those lines. Let me tell…

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Simple Problem Solving Strategy

Problem Solving Strategy

  Today I thought I would share this useful and simple approach to solving any problem or challenge that you might be going through. It focusses on asking yourself 5 key questions. And the way these questions are phrased is quite important as it will set yourself up for the answer. So here goes…. 1)…

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Four Steps to Achieving Your Outcomes

Successful Outcomes | Hari Kalymnios

  We all have outcomes that we like to achieve. Sometimes we call these goals, ambitions, dreams or results. Whether that’s to make it to work on time, get that promotion, get the date or get fitter and healthier. It could be anything. I want to share with you a simple four step process that…

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Kill Procrastination with this Scientifically Based Hack

Procrastination | Hari Kalymnios

  Do you ever procrastinate? Sure you do. We all do. Me included. But…. there are ways to beat procrastination. And here’s one of them. Take advantage of what’s called the ‘Zeigarnik Effect’. What this says (and has been studied by Greist-Bousquet and Schiffman (1992)) is that us humans have a need to finish what…

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