Leaders are Readers: Book of the Month – March

Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym | Book of the Month - March

This month, I continue the trend with giving you a book to look at which will be of use to you. As I mention time and time again, leaders are readers and also, to earn more you must learn more. With that in mind, this month’s book is called Bounce by Matthew Syed. Matthew is…

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How to Improve Your Brain Health

Dr Daniel Amen (author of the book, Change Your Brain, Change Your Life) is a psychiatrist who has analyses over 70,000 brain scans using a S.P.E.C.T. scan (Single Photon Emission Computerised Tomography). And he’s found some interesting characteristics and qualities when it comes to brain health. And I’m assuming that you want your brain to…

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Cool Things to Help You Feel Super – March

March Favourites

This month I follow with the theme for 2016 to give you some cool items that will help improve your life. They are things that I use on a regular basis and can really help. 1) Lumie Daylight Alarm clock The days may be getting lighter earlier but this alarm clock is still a must.…

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How to Solve Problems at Work and Home


Problems are a sign of life, and work of course. If you’re a leader or in a position of responsibility, you’ll probably have more problems than most! Be that a team leader, parent, CEO, HR director, business owner and so on. I’d like to offer you 5 questions that you can ask yourself to help…

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February Favourite Things To Make Your Life Better

Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym | February Favourites

This month, I continue the theme for the year of each month bringing you some items or ideas that can help improve your life and make you feel superhuman! 1) PUMA Soundchuck Speakers These are a set of bluetooth speakers in the design of a nunchuck (martial arts weapon). I like them because I can…

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A Great Way to Adapt Habits!

Break Bad Habits | Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

I want to share with you something that might help you design new habits. Habit are the cornerstone of most of our activities and accomplishments. It’s because of good habits that most people are likely to succeed. Whether that’s getting into the habit of posting something on LinkedIn/Instagram etc each day/week that can inspire or…

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Tactic to Steer Your Towards Success

Whether you realise it or not, throughout the day you are most likely asking yourself questions. These may largely be unconscious but they are there. Why didn’t I get the promotion? Why did my girlfriend leave me? Why am I not confident? Why aren’t I getting the success I want in life? I wonder how…

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3 Tips To Getting Up Earlier for Work


I know, it’s something we all struggle with. Me included! Especially with dark, dark mornings. Getting up for work can be a real hassle. Here are three tips that might help you. 1) Decide Carefully Your Wake Up Sound Many people just have some kind of “alarm” sound to wake them up. When you are…

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How the C.I.A. Can Increase Your Productivity, Energy and Outcomes

CIA | Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

A bold claim. What does the CIA have to do with any of that? Simply this. CIA doesn’t (in this blog) stand for Central Intelligence Agency. No. Rather it stands for Choices In Advance. What I mean by this is that you can benefit greatly by making choices in advance. Many high performers I’ve looked…

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7 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep

Sleep! It’s a big issue for many people. It used to be for me too. For years. It used to take me up to an hour to fall asleep only to wake up several times a night and wake up feeling tired. Now, it’s quite a different story. Most notably in how long it takes…

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