Decisions Making: How to Make Decisions – Full Simple Process

Decisions Making

Decision making 101. How to make decisions effectively and effortlessly. I actually filmed a video on this in March 2014, but I don’t think I ever wrote a blog on it.

Decision Making

Hari Kalymnios | Decisions Making

Making Decisions

Many people really suffer from making decisions. We’re so scared of making the wrong one. We’re so used to others making them for us. Whatever the case.

Let me assure you. You will make the wrong decision. It’s inevitable. Be ok with that. Accept it. All leaders and decision makers make the wrong decisions from time to time. You have to learn to accept that. At least they are your decisions and not someone else’s. Own it.

Also, start small with decision making. Read this blog for more on that idea:

For now though, I want to guide you through 4 simple questions to ask ahead of making a decision.

Decision Making Process

Ask yourself these questions

[1] Do I want to be/do/have or experience this?

This sounds obvious, right? But not always. Truly ask yourself that. Are you doing it out of obligation or because it’s someone else’s dream or goal? When I was travelling the world (back from 1999 – 2001) I was 100% my own person. Only responsible for me and making my own decisions. If I didn’t feel like doing something I didn’t. I truly was free and without obligation. When I returned home, I carried much of this on. If I was out for the night and I wasn’t “into it” – I simply left for home. I didn’t feel obliged to stay just because others were there and wanted me to. You could argue this point, sure. The point I’m making is really understand whether it’s something you actually want.

[2] Will being/doing/having or experiencing this thing move me in the direction of my goal?

You could argue that not all decisions have to move you to a goal, but you’ll also see that when you are clear on what you want in life and people ask you to commit your time or resources to something and it doesn’t align with where you are going, it’s easy to say no.

The truth is that people like Warren Buffet and Richard Branson say that one of the most important skills you can learn is to say “No”. When you say “yes” to something you are saying “no” to a thousand other opportunities.

Time is limited. You can’t afford to spend time doing things that don’t move you forward in some way.

It might be that heading to the cinema or doing other thing perceived as not moving you in the direction of your goal, actually does. Why? Because it helps you spend time with friends, or detach or find tranquility. And ultimately resting and recharging helps you move forward.

Only you can decide. But asking this question helps avoid un-serving activities.

[3] Is being/doing/having or experiencing this thing in harmony with my beliefs/values/ideals/God/Universe?

When you move against what you believe in or not in harmony with your higher self, you will create stress, tension and undue burden on yourself. Check in with yourself and see what is the standard you want to live to and whether this decision lines up with it.

[4] Is being/doing/having or experience this going to violate others?

And the answer should be NO. For obvious reasons.

If you find the following are true, then go for it.


[1] Do I want to be/do/have or experience this? YES

[2] Will being/doing/having or experiencing this thing move me in the direction of my goal? YES

[3] Is being/doing/having or experiencing this thing in harmony with my beliefs/values/ideals/God/Universe? YES

[4] Is being/doing/having or experience this going to violate others? NO


I think I originally got this from Brian Tracy. A true genius in the field of personal effectiveness, business and skills like decision making.

What do you think about this. Has it helped you make decisions today? 

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