6 Health Reasons Why Meditation Can Save Your Life!

Hari Kalymnios | Meditation

Meditation is becoming a bit more in vogue these days. Although for the wise, it’s been in vogue for thousands of years. There are many types of meditation, from Mantra meditation, Loving Kindness, Transcendental, Vipassana and on and on. All have their uses, but here I am going to talk about meditation in general and…

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How to be younger, healthier and live longer – Book of the Month!

Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

This month’s book of the month promises to help you live younger, healthier and longer. Some bold claims but delving into the book it’s easy to understand why they are made. The book is called – The Telomere Effect. It’s written by Elizabeth Blackburn PhD (and Nobel Prize winner) and Elissa Epel PhD. Elizabeth Blackburn…

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Getting Over Fear: Scientifically Sound Way

Hack Fear Thumb

When we are fearful – real or imagined, we regress into our primal nature. The brain/body shut down rational thought and enters into survival mode. If you are in a heightened emotional state. Like fear, or anger, and want a way out of it, it can be hard. It’s hard because your brain – at…

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The Most Important Blog Post You Will Ever Read? – The Four Keys to Superhuman Living

I can’t believe I’ve not written a blog post about this yet! I am in the midst of writing my second book, which will be about this very topic and idea. (If you’re interested, then my first book – The Thought Gym – is available here) Over the last decade I have progressively taken a…

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Simple Hack to Sleep Better

Sleep! The majority of the people I speak to have issues with their sleep. Can’t get to sleep. Don’t sleep enough. Bad quality sleep. Getting up in the middle of the night. Racing mind when going to sleep. Waking up tied. The list goes on and on. And while the issue of sleep is a…

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Don’t do this ONE thing if you want to be successful and happy

A leading statement? Maybe? I’ve been a big student of happy and successful people in the last decade and I’ve noticed a few things. There are patterns. And it’s also a practice. If you want to be happy – study happiness. If you want to be successful, study success. Something that I’ve noticed that is…

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How to Stress Less this year

This is a simple philosophy or way of looking at what happens in life to help you cope with things and feel less stressed. It’s taken from Stoic wisdom and philosophy and I first heard it on a podcast from someone who’s name escapes me (sorry, whoever it was!). It’s simply this. Control what you…

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Favourite Things – November

Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym | HariKalymnios.com

As each month for 2016, I’m listing a few of my favourite things that I use regularly to help me feel SUPER! [1] Amazing Grass Supergreen Blend This product is a blend of various grasses like wheatgrass, barley grass, alfalfa grass, as well as extracts from spirulina, and veggies like broccoli and spinach. It also…

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How to Be Happier

Happy Life | Hari Kalymnios

This is a really quick blog for you. It’s a simple straightforward way that researchers from Queensland University in Australia have determined makes people happier. (https://www.uq.edu.au/news/article/2014/10/fruit-and-veggies-pave-road-happiness ) In fact, they suggest it’s the kind of boost in happiness lives that you might get with a new job.  And the secret? After looking at more than…

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Book of the Month: Stoic Wisdom


As every month in 2016 I am sharing with you some books I like and think improve my life, understanding or view of the world. This month it’s A Guide to a Good Life, by William B Irvine. It’s a simple and easy to read summary of what Stoicism is all about. Stoicism is a…

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