Nerves: How to Get Over Public Speaking Nerves and Anxiety
How to Get Over Public Speaking Nerves and Anxiety How do you get over public speaking nerves? Do you get anxious when speaking in front of people? Public speaking is the biggest fear out there according to some. Even more than a fear of death. And while I can’t get you to be a brilliant…
5 Things Every New Yogi Needs to Know
This post is about the 5 Things Every New Yogi Needs to Know before starting yoga. When I started practising yoga several years ago, I must admit there was little thought to it. I was working shifts and yoga seems like the best activity to do after all night up and working. I’d tried running…
How to Breathe Properly – Book of the Month – February 2018
Breathing. The power of breath and how to breath properly. That’s the subject of this month’s book of the month. It gets pretty technical, but it’s an eye opener for you I’m sure. The book is called… The Oxygen Advantage by Patrick McKeown Breathing. Some of the interesting things in the book are the importance…
5 Meditation Myths Debunked and Busted
Meditation is everywhere these days. When I started meditating and looking into meditation it wasn’t as big commercially. If you’re not currently a meditator then you need to read this. If you do meditate, then maybe you would like to share this with those that don’t. I started meditating in 2012, after hearing from countless…
6 Things Every Man New To Yoga Must Know
If you’re a man and you’re thinking of taking up yoga, or have just started to, then you must read this. It will save embarrassment, confusion and time. [1] Eyes Wide Shut Guys – when in down dog, learn to close your eyes and get into the pose. Why? One, to feel your way…
Radiation Nation – Book of the Month
Radiation, EMF’s and their health effects are the subject of this book. I’ve looked into the effects of radiation a little in the last 5 or so years as it’s something that I believe, based on the evidence I’ve seen and my own experience, greatly effects health. Back in the 1990’s when mobile phones were…
How to Deal with Change
Change. It’s the one constant in our lives, but yet something most people both fear and get excited about all in the same breath. We have change in our working environment (new boss, new CEO, new office, new processes, new teams and so on), personal environments (new partner, new house, new school, new friends…), so…
3 Ways to Feel Happier – Starting Today
We’re all looking to be a bit happier in life right? Well, here are 3 simple and effective strategies to feeling happier. Gratitude I have been keeping a gratitude log since early 2011. I write in it every day that I’m at home. All I do is write down 3 things I’m grateful for that…
Leaders Are Readers: May Book of the Month – Ancient Wisdom
This month’s book is of a story that goes back too around the 4th or 5th century BCE. It’s called the Bhagavad Gita. A sacred Indian text which is a component of a much larger text called the Mahabharata, which tells of an epic battle. The Bhagavad Gita is the story of a prince called…
Simple Health Measurement You Need to Take
Over the last year or so, I’ve become increasing more interested in something called Heart Rate Variability. Most people are familiar with heart rate. How many times per minute your heart beats. When we think that our heart is beating at 60 beats per minute (bpm) it’s not actually beating uniformly. I.e. 1, 1, 1,…