3 Tips To Getting Up Earlier for Work
I know, it’s something we all struggle with. Me included! Especially with dark, dark mornings. Getting up for work can be a real hassle. Here are three tips that might help you. 1) Decide Carefully Your Wake Up Sound Many people just have some kind of “alarm” sound to wake them up. When you are…
7 Tips to Help You Fall Asleep
Sleep! It’s a big issue for many people. It used to be for me too. For years. It used to take me up to an hour to fall asleep only to wake up several times a night and wake up feeling tired. Now, it’s quite a different story. Most notably in how long it takes…
The Three Phases of Transformational Change
Have you ever started out on a new path, a new philosophy or even just tried to introduce something new at work. Maybe it was a simple as trying to convince your bosses that “Dress Down Fridays” are a good idea and won’t tarnish the firm’s image. And did you notice what your idea had…
Orange is the New Black – Sitting is the New Smoking
So they say. Sitting is the new smoking. What that’s supposed to convey is that sitting is not good for your health. And it’s true. But it’s not the whole truth. We work longer and harder than ever. We also lounge around long and hard and sit down and surf long and hard too. We…
7 Ways to Stay Positive at Work
When I worked in Corporate London, I was like many others. Not thinking I was particularly negative, cynical or anything else. It was only when I started getting into different circles of people that I realised that I was not super positive. The new people I was hanging around seemed to do things differently. That’s…