TOP PODCASTS for health and success

Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym | Podcast

For the last two years or so I’ve been massively into podcasts. Podcasts are essentially individual radio stations. A bit like how you can have your own ‘TV’ channel on things like YouTube, you can also broadcast out audio in a podcast format. You then release it out to the world where others can find…

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How to Be Happier

Happy Life | Hari Kalymnios

This is a really quick blog for you. It’s a simple straightforward way that researchers from Queensland University in Australia have determined makes people happier. ( ) In fact, they suggest it’s the kind of boost in happiness lives that you might get with a new job.  And the secret? After looking at more than…

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Book of the Month: Stoic Wisdom


As every month in 2016 I am sharing with you some books I like and think improve my life, understanding or view of the world. This month it’s A Guide to a Good Life, by William B Irvine. It’s a simple and easy to read summary of what Stoicism is all about. Stoicism is a…

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September Favourite Things

It’s time for my favourite things to help you feel SUPER! As ever, I like to share with your items, ideas, podcasts, apps, and general paraphernalia that I use that improves my life in some small way. Helps me be a better person, leader and feel superhuman. So let’s get started. 1) Libre Tea Infuser…

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The Mindful Leader – How to Be More Mindful


Mindfulness. It’s a bit of a buzz word these days in business and leadership. Build resilience through mindfulness. But what is it exactly? Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice of simply observing one’s thoughts, emotions and actions and bodily sensations as they are happening in the present. Why is this useful and important? Mindfulness based…

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Hari interviewed on CEO Outlook Podcast for Leaders

Recently I was interviewed (well, co-participant in a conversation really) on CEO Outlook Podcast. You can listen to it here.  

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The Problem with Vegan Diets

Vegan Diets | Hari Kalymnios

Yep, you saw that right. The problem with vegan diets. Coming from me! A vegan diet is one that abstains from eating any animal products. Meat (including Fish), Milk & other dairy, Eggs, honey (and then usually if you’re vegan you won’t wear leather or use animal tested products). All good stuff in my book.…

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LEADERS ARE READERS: Book of the Month – How to Win Friends & Influence People

How to Win Friends | Hari Kalymnios \ The Thought Gym

My book this month comes from the early part of the 20th century but is still a classic – selling over 10 million copies. It’s Dale Carnegie’s – How to Win Friends and Influence People. It’s title can sometimes rub people up the wrong way but it’s such a popular phrase now and it’s part…

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Five Favourite Things – August 2016

And so summer is in full swing. And let’s get started with some things I use in my life which help me feel superhuman! 1. Soapnuts Yep, until recently I’d never heard of them either. They are natural ‘nuts’ that you can use to wash your clothes! Why? Because they are kinder on your clothes and…

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BOOK OF THE MONTH: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?

Grounding Earthing Hari Kalymnios The thought gym

This month’s book of the month also details what could be the most important health discovery ever. It’s called Earthing, by Clint Ober. I first read it a couple of years ago and the idea fascinated me. It’s about Earthing (or Grounding, as it’s also known).   The idea being that we can get many…

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