Stop Labelling Yourself!

What do I mean by labels? I’m a mother, I’m a parent, I’m a vegan, I’m paleo, I’m a Christian, I’m a coach, I’m a salesman. There are countless labels, and often when we meet someone new we start by trying to label them. “What do you do?” “I’m an accountant” Why are labels bad…
Change Your Peer Group – Change Your Life

You may have heard this before. We’re the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. If that’s true — then it means that it’s probably time for some self analysis. Here’s the reality. It’s nigh on impossible to become more that you currently are, whilst holding on to the same peer…
Simple Problem Solving Strategy

Today I thought I would share this useful and simple approach to solving any problem or challenge that you might be going through. It focusses on asking yourself 5 key questions. And the way these questions are phrased is quite important as it will set yourself up for the answer. So here goes…. 1)…
How to stop stressing out

Last week I was reminded of the late great Stephen Covey’s teachings of the ‘circle of concern’ and ‘circle of influence’. I’m not sure if it’s originally his or someone else’s, or a variation on the theme, but essentially it goes like this. The reason I bring this up today is that I was…
Four Steps to Achieving Your Outcomes

We all have outcomes that we like to achieve. Sometimes we call these goals, ambitions, dreams or results. Whether that’s to make it to work on time, get that promotion, get the date or get fitter and healthier. It could be anything. I want to share with you a simple four step process that…
How to Look and Feel 12 Years Younger

Today I received a gift. I was given 12 years of my life back. How did I receive this gift? Well, I completed one of these assessments at the gym. You know, where they take all kinds of readings – body fat, height, weight, blood pressure, pulse etc. When the PT (personal trainer) asked me…
What Kind of Workout Is The Best?

Well, it depends. It depends on your answer to the following criteria. Take an exercise that you currently do, or are interested in and score it out of the number in brackets. Why? Because there is no one best workout, but there are the best workouts for you. And in my experience the best ones…
Why Getting 10,000 Steps A Day Isn’t Enough

You may have heard that you need to get 10,000 steps a day to be “healthy”. Well, here’s the truth. You could get 10,000 steps a day in by sitting around all day and then go for a 5 mile run. But…here’s the rub. That’s not the best way to do it. Firstly, I suggest…
Kill Procrastination with this Scientifically Based Hack

Do you ever procrastinate? Sure you do. We all do. Me included. But…. there are ways to beat procrastination. And here’s one of them. Take advantage of what’s called the ‘Zeigarnik Effect’. What this says (and has been studied by Greist-Bousquet and Schiffman (1992)) is that us humans have a need to finish what…