5 Meditation Myths Debunked and Busted

Hari Meditation Debunked Myths

Meditation is everywhere these days. When I started meditating and looking into meditation it wasn’t as big commercially. If you’re not currently a meditator then you need to read this. If you do meditate, then maybe you would like to share this with those that don’t. I started meditating in 2012, after hearing from countless…

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6 Things Every Man New To Yoga Must Know

Yoga for Men

If you’re a man and you’re thinking of taking up yoga, or have just started to, then you must read this. It will save embarrassment, confusion and time.   [1] Eyes Wide Shut Guys – when in down dog, learn to close your eyes and get into the pose. Why? One, to feel your way…

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Why New Years Resolutions (and Goals) FAIL!

Why Resolutions Fail

January and another new years resolution or year goal for you? Likely to succeed? Unfortunately most people have already given up their goals and resolutions by 1 – 3 months into them (and not stuck them out to completion). We see it all the time in the gym and dieting industry. A new year, a…

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10 Health Documentaries you MUST Watch

Health Documentaries

Ten health documentaries you must watch (in my opinion) are the subject of this blog post. Over the last 7 years or so, I’ve watch a silly amount of documentaries. I always thought that the day I started watching documentaries would be the time I’m old! Well, far from it, but maybe a bit mature.…

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The Benefits of Juice Fasting For You

Juice Fasting

The benefits of juice fasting can be many. I recently came off a 9 day fast from food. Yes. Nine days without eating solid food! Juice. Why? Why would you do that you might ask. Well, I would have thought that in the past too. Over the last 5 years I’ve completed 10 extended periods…

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5 Ways to Be More Attractive

How to Be More Attractive

How to be more attractive in life? We are all born with what we are born with but did you know that you have a large level of control over how attractive you seem. We might not (without surgery) be able to change our features, but in addition to things like hairstyle, clothing, weight management,…

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Energy! 3 Ways To Increase Energy Naturally

Increase Energy Levels Naturally

Energy! Almost everyone I speak to says that they could do with more energy in their lives. So many people today don’t feel energised and can’t do all they want to do. So if you want to have more energy in your life, then continue to read this short blog which will give you three…

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Why You Won’t Succeed

Hari Kalymnios | Willpower | Succesful

OK – maybe that’s a little strong. But I had to grab your attention, right? What I mean is this. If you rely on this one thing to be successful, you most likely won’t succeed long term. What is the one thing that I am talking about? To be successful? Willpower Successful People think that…

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3 Ways to More Morning Energy

Hari kalymnios | The Thought Gym | How To Have Energy

Do you ever feel like you could do with more energy in the morning? Wake up tired? Whilst it is most likely your sleep quality and quantity that will need to be looked at (there are many things that you can do for your sleep – check out http://thethoughtgym.com/sleepsoundly for more on that), once you…

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Why Diets Don’t Work

The diet industry don’t want you to know this but diets don’t work. If you want to know who’s going to be overweight the following year, then take a look at who’s on a diet right now. Diet books, slimming shakes, weight-loss clubs, weight-loss bars and all the other paraphernalia to do with the weight-loss…

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