Orange is the New Black – Sitting is the New Smoking
So they say. Sitting is the new smoking. What that’s supposed to convey is that sitting is not good for your health. And it’s true. But it’s not the whole truth. We work longer and harder than ever. We also lounge around long and hard and sit down and surf long and hard too. We…
No Way to 5-a-Day!
This blog is about you. It’s about you taking charge for your own health and happiness. Anyone that spends any time with me knows how passionate I am about health. It wasn’t always that way. Fitness, sure. But not health. I was never concerned about veg & fruit intake. Hell, I never even ate vegetables…
Why You’re Wasting Your Time with Willpower
A strong statement. But true. When I tell people about some of my rituals – for staying in shape, keeping up to speed with my knowledge, eating well, making daily veg juices and smoothies etc, i often get responses like: “I wish I had that much willpower!” Or something along those lines. Let me tell…
Simple Problem Solving Strategy
Today I thought I would share this useful and simple approach to solving any problem or challenge that you might be going through. It focusses on asking yourself 5 key questions. And the way these questions are phrased is quite important as it will set yourself up for the answer. So here goes…. 1)…
How to Look and Feel 12 Years Younger
Today I received a gift. I was given 12 years of my life back. How did I receive this gift? Well, I completed one of these assessments at the gym. You know, where they take all kinds of readings – body fat, height, weight, blood pressure, pulse etc. When the PT (personal trainer) asked me…
What Kind of Workout Is The Best?
Well, it depends. It depends on your answer to the following criteria. Take an exercise that you currently do, or are interested in and score it out of the number in brackets. Why? Because there is no one best workout, but there are the best workouts for you. And in my experience the best ones…
Why Getting 10,000 Steps A Day Isn’t Enough
You may have heard that you need to get 10,000 steps a day to be “healthy”. Well, here’s the truth. You could get 10,000 steps a day in by sitting around all day and then go for a 5 mile run. But…here’s the rub. That’s not the best way to do it. Firstly, I suggest…