Top 5 Mind Blowing Documentaries To Watch

One way I’ve been learning and growing the last 7 years is to immerse myself in documentaries. Learning is a key part of my Leadership B.E.A.T. Model and the ‘B’ part is for BRAIN – which incorporates your mindset, psychology but also learning, education and growth. Here are my top five documentaries to get you…

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How We Learn and Master Any Skill

Learning a new skill and then mastering it. It’s something we’ve been doing since we were born. Whether that is walking, talking, tying our shoelaces or driving. To get ahead in life we need to learn and master a variety of skills. When it comes to learning, it’s really all about going through the four…

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Why You Won’t Succeed

Hari Kalymnios | Willpower | Succesful

OK – maybe that’s a little strong. But I had to grab your attention, right? What I mean is this. If you rely on this one thing to be successful, you most likely won’t succeed long term. What is the one thing that I am talking about? To be successful? Willpower Successful People think that…

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How to Deal with Change

Change. It’s the one constant in our lives, but yet something most people both fear and get excited about all in the same breath. We have change in our working environment (new boss, new CEO, new office, new processes, new teams and so on), personal environments (new partner, new house, new school, new friends…), so…

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Decisions Making: How to Make Decisions – Full Simple Process

Decisions Making

Decision making 101. How to make decisions effectively and effortlessly. I actually filmed a video on this in March 2014, but I don’t think I ever wrote a blog on it. Decision Making Many people really suffer from making decisions. We’re so scared of making the wrong one. We’re so used to others making them…

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Leaders Are Readers: June Book of the Month

Brian Tracy | Goal Setting | Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

This month it’s a really short recommendation. The book of the month is called Goals! By Brian Tracy Brian Tracy is an internationally recognised and respected business and success speaker of the last 30 or 40 years. His books, audio trainings and videos have had a massive influence on my growth and I even got…

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3 Ways to Feel Happier – Starting Today

Hari Kalymnios | How to Be Happier | The Thought Gym

We’re all looking to be a bit happier in life right?  Well, here are 3 simple and effective strategies to feeling happier. Gratitude I have been keeping a gratitude log since early 2011. I write in it every day that I’m at home. All I do is write down 3 things I’m grateful for that…

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Leaders Are Readers: May Book of the Month – Ancient Wisdom

Bhagavad Gita | Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

This month’s book is of a story that goes back too around the 4th or 5th century BCE. It’s called the Bhagavad Gita. A sacred Indian text which is a component of a much larger text called the Mahabharata, which tells of an epic battle. The Bhagavad Gita is the story of a prince called…

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Why Diets Don’t Work

The diet industry don’t want you to know this but diets don’t work. If you want to know who’s going to be overweight the following year, then take a look at who’s on a diet right now. Diet books, slimming shakes, weight-loss clubs, weight-loss bars and all the other paraphernalia to do with the weight-loss…

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Simple Health Measurement You Need to Take

Over the last year or so, I’ve become increasing more interested in something called Heart Rate Variability. Most people are familiar with heart rate. How many times per minute your heart beats. When we think that our heart is beating at 60 beats per minute (bpm) it’s not actually beating uniformly. I.e. 1, 1, 1,…

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