Why You’re Wasting Your Time with Willpower
A strong statement. But true. When I tell people about some of my rituals – for staying in shape, keeping up to speed with my knowledge, eating well, making daily veg juices and smoothies etc, i often get responses like: “I wish I had that much willpower!” Or something along those lines. Let me tell…
7 Ways to Stay Positive at Work
When I worked in Corporate London, I was like many others. Not thinking I was particularly negative, cynical or anything else. It was only when I started getting into different circles of people that I realised that I was not super positive. The new people I was hanging around seemed to do things differently. That’s…
Stop Labelling Yourself!
What do I mean by labels? I’m a mother, I’m a parent, I’m a vegan, I’m paleo, I’m a Christian, I’m a coach, I’m a salesman. There are countless labels, and often when we meet someone new we start by trying to label them. “What do you do?” “I’m an accountant” Why are labels bad…
Change Your Peer Group – Change Your Life
You may have heard this before. We’re the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with. If that’s true — then it means that it’s probably time for some self analysis. Here’s the reality. It’s nigh on impossible to become more that you currently are, whilst holding on to the same peer…
How to stop stressing out
Last week I was reminded of the late great Stephen Covey’s teachings of the ‘circle of concern’ and ‘circle of influence’. I’m not sure if it’s originally his or someone else’s, or a variation on the theme, but essentially it goes like this. The reason I bring this up today is that I was…