Meet Up: The Confidence Lounge (London)

Mind Mastery – How to Control Your Emotions and Reactions In this evening talk Hari will share with you some practical and easy to implement tools to help master your mind, emotions and reactions. By the end of this talk you will learn and understand What the 3 key drivers are that affect how you…

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CAPD Seminar (London)

Superhuman Leadership – The Four Keys to Leadership, Life and Longevity In this fun, lively and interactive session you will learn what the basis of great leadership is and how it’s comprised of four key areas. Mastery of each will allow you to become a superhuman leader with the health, vitality and energy to charge…

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The Best You Expo 2017 (London)

The Surprise Key to Superhuman Health and Longevity Feel & Look Good Workshop Room 7, 11am In this inspiring and energising talk, Hari Kalymnios, current leader of The YES Group London and  health & vitality speaker, will share with you a system guaranteed to help you feel superhuman. Distilling over a decade’s worth of research and experimentation…

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The YES Group (Norwich)

Becoming Superhuman: The 4 Keys to Living, Leading & Longevity In this talk, London based author and TEDx speaker, Hari Kalymnios, will share the culmination of years of research into optimal human performance by revealing the 4 foundational areas that you must master in order to live at your best and feel SUPERHUMAN. Hari’s own…

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