LEADERS ARE READERS: Book of the Month – April

Book of the Month - April | Hari Kalymnios

This month’s book of the month is Become a Key Person of Influence by Daniel Priestly.

I read this book back in 2011 and it’s still a book that I give away to new entrepreneurs and professionals looking to become key people of influence (KPI’s) in their fields.

It’s a short and simple book that really just gives you a framework for how you can become a KPI. Daniel’s process is a 5 step method. Pitch, Publish, Product, Profile and Partnership.

Reading the book will give you more detail on each of these steps and what to do, but in brief:


You need to work on your pitch. What you do, who you do it for and why. Once people know that, then they will engage further. I’m constantly refining mine to be honest, but here’s a version of it:

“I help individuals and organisations develop more superhuman leaders. I’m passionate about the fact that all leadership starts with self-leadership and that to be the best self-leader you can be you must be working towards self-mastery. From your mental, physical, emotional and physical super powers”


That’s what this is. Publishing. We’re in a content economy and you need to get your ideas out there if you’re to be a KPI. That might be via blogs, YouTube videos, guest articles, magazines, online courses and books (as I do), or even podcasts and other publishing mediums (Social Media is also considered publishing).


You need to have something to offer. It might be a book, online course, seminar or something else. Ideally, a product will be something that is scalable and doesn’t require much input (after the initial effort e.g. a book, online course, DVD). This is often the IP (intellectual property) of the business.


This is about your reputation really. What does Google say you are? If you don’t have much of an online profile, you (for most intents and purposes) don’t exist. My search results now (by putting in “Hari Kalymnios” into Google) at least comes up with things more relevant to what I do, than back in 2011 when a few charitable runs and triathlons came up!


No one gets anywhere alone. You need to partner with people to get real great success. Think Richard Branson and all the partnerships that have made him a billionaire. I’m still working on this one, although I have done a few partnerships to date.

Although I’ve outlined the main points above, I really recommend a read of this book to help make it all make sense. Had it not been for this book, I don’t know that mine – The Thought Gym –  would have been written. At least, not then.

If you want to be known as a KPI, then follow the steps above and grab a copy of the book.

For more books I recommend, check out http://thethoughtgym.com/shop.

What do you think of this book? Have you read it? Comment below. 

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