Five Steps to a Happier, Healthier, Longer Life

Working Well Book - SONAR - Hari Kalymnios

Want to know about five simple steps to a happier, healthier and longer life? Read on. As you may already know, I’m all about mindset, resilience, wellbeing, healthy, vitality and energy. I call my main philosophy The Leadership BEAT Model. You may have even read the blog about it here. As I’m writing the book on the BEAT Model (and have been for quite a while), I wanted to take five key components from The Leadership BEAT Model and create something quick and simple for people. And I put the five ideas into a book – called Working Well – which I released in 2018. 

The Working Well book details a wellbeing framework called SONAR. You’ve heard of SONAR? It’s like an underwater radar system. To detect what’s going on under the surface. So this wellbeing framework – SONAR – it to help you dial in what’s going on under the surface of you. Full details can be found in the quick and easy-to-read Working Well book. In summary the five areas are:






Working Well Book


The most fundamental aspect of productivity, wellbeing, health, energy and longevity. If you haven’t got this part dialled in, then you are really short-changing yourself. I have made sleep a study and improved my own sleep significantly over the last decade. I even made an online course that can give you a deep dive into optimising your sleep. Find it here: 


This is all about breathing naturally. And most people aren’t breathing well or have no idea just about how powerful the breath is for us. 


In this section I put water and food. Simply put – most people are dehydrated and don’t appreciate just how much more health and energy they will have if they drink more. For more on water, check out this post (and the book of course). I also cover the concept of food in the book, expanding on my food philosophy – PANLO 80/20 that you can read about in this blog too. 


Activity is about movement and exercise. And if you want to know what exercise is the best for you to try, then this blog post will point you in the right direction. 


“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle. We are creatures of habit and for us to change our life, we need to change something we do daily. This part of the SONAR model is all about your habits, routines and why you need rituals. Effectively rituals are routines and habits with meaning attached. You’ll learn all about anchoring habits, keystone habits and more. 

SONAR – Five steps to living a healthier, happier and longer life. A quick book to read – you’ll get through it in about 90-120 minutes. Promise. It’s small enough to even fit into your back pocket. 

Grab a copy here. Use the code HARI for money off too!

Let me know what you think and enjoy!

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