Leaders are Readers: July Book of the Month

Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

This month, rather than a personal development or business book, I thought I would share with you an autobiography. It’s from Anthony Kiedes from the supergroup The Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The book is called Scar Tissue.

Scar Tissue | Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

Scar Tissue | Hari Kalymnios | The Thought Gym

I read this book in 2007 and it’s a super addictive read. The way it’s written really hooks you in and I found myself avoiding conversations with people and reading at the dinner table because I was so keen to get through it. Not great for my sister who was my companion on my trip to Thailand in 2007 when I was reading it!

It starts off with Anthony as a child and his progression to forming the band and creating some amazing albums. It’s a really great insight into the how the creation process came to be, as well as the trials and tribulations of a successful band for so many years.

I won’t say too much but if you are a RHCP fan – then this is a must. If you are curious about it I would say pick it up. If you are looking for a beach read, then definitely grab yourself a copy.

Have you read this? Let me know!



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