I’m always being asked what I read. Truth is, that up until about 5 years ago, I probably only read between 2 – 4 books per year. Probably less in fact. Since university I hardly had read at all really (except when travelling for a couple of years).
Then I realised (or rather re-discovered) the joy of reading. Specifically non-fiction. I do suggest that reading both a fiction and non-fiction is probably a good idea, although I’m definitely more in the non-fiction camp presently.
I realised that most leaders are readers. And if you want to be a great leader (bare in mind when I say leader, I really want to stress that we are all leaders. We must – at the very least – lead ourselves, right), then you must read. Or audio book it. I do both depending on things.
Following my resurgence back into reading I read on average a book a week for the first two years. I’ve slowed down a bit now as I don’t commute, but it’s still sitting around the 200+ mark over 5 years.
So anyway, it’s a long winded way of saying that each month I’ll bring you a book that will expand your thinking in some way. They won’t be strictly speaking business, or personal development or health. They will be a variety of things. If we get too bogged down into one niche, then we lose our objectivity.
This month’s book is by Michael Talbot and it’s called The Holographic Universe. It’s a real eye-opener.
It’s based on a hypothesis that perhaps the universe operates a little like a hologram. In other words things are (as we perceived them anyway) a three dimensional projection of information. This theory is gaining more ground since when the book was written (back in 1991) with world famous physicist Stephen Hawking giving a chapter to it in his book – The Grand Design.
This principle, it’s author claims, can account for unexplained situations like ESP (extra-sensory perception), telepathy, out of body experiences and even miraculous healing.
I won’t say too much more, other than to say you definitely don’t need to be any kind of scientist or anything to read and learn from this book at all. It’s written for the layperson.
I really think it’s worth a read and encourage you to pick up a copy today. If you want to know what else I recommend (and can’t wait for all the posts to come), then check out http://thethoughtgym.com/shop for other books I recommend.